Sunday, October 11, 2009

Important information about this site

Bad news folks...I will be taking some time off. I started this blog with no one reading but I loved what I was doing. It grew. I have never been paid to do this but I enjoyed it so much. Right now my time and efforts are needed elsewhere and the joy of writing has become one more thing on my to do list, which is not how I'd like this blog to be written. I will be taking a break from writing but I intend to return at some point. I do not know when that will be. When life slows down and the joy of writing returns I'll be back. I am greatful for the many readers I have and still find it funny that anyone actually reads my blog. Thank you for checking out my little part of the world wide web. I hope it has blessed your life in some way and I hope it will again in the future.

Signing off,
Tanya Tightwad