Wednesday, January 2, 2008

How to lose the holiday weight without a gym membership

The holidays have come to an end and your waist has taken on new form. After spending all your money on Christmas gifts and what not the last thing you want to do is come up with $100 bucks or more for a gym membership. Here are some ideas to get your shape back without going to the gym.

1. Rent exercise videos from the library
-The Kent District Libraries no longer charge a fee to rent videos from them. What many people don't know is that they have exercise videos available. There is a variety of styles to choose from also. Try Yoga or Pilates and see what works for you. The beauty of trying out this method is that you get the videos for only a week so you can switch up your routine every week. You'll never be bored!

2. Go sledding every week while you can
-Find the steepest hill and take some friends with you. Climbing the hill over and over is great exercise and sliding down is tons of fun! Plus you don't have to pay a dime!

3. Excersise while watching TV
-If you're not the kind of person who likes to exercise this is a great option. Turn the TV on and do 25 jumping jacks during every commercial. Or switch it up and do a different exercise during every commercial break. You can do lunges, sit ups, push ups and more. Do this during a one hour program and your getting a good start on exercise.

4. Enjoy a chilly winter walk
-Be sure to bundle up! Take a brisk walk around your block or at least walk for twenty minutes. The chilliness can really get your heart pumping.

5. Sit on an exercise ball while reading, watching TV, etc.
-You can find these at TJ MAXX and Marshall's, of course! Doing anything on the ball works your abs and gives you balance. You can use the ball for exercising as well...hint, hint. The library has books on working out on the ball to help you get started.

6. Google exercises at home
-I found lots of websites that offer different exercises to do. If they suggest using weights and you don't want to buy any, just use canned goods or gallon jugs of water.

7. Look for magazines with exercise articles
-I have collected these for awhile and compiled them all together in an exercise binder. Now I have my own book.

**Tanya's special at home gym**
Here's what I have set up for myself and how I've done it.

1. I scoured thrift stores finding DVD's and videos that are all yoga or pilates. The most I spent on one was $3. They usually run $1 for VHS and $3-5 for DVD.
2. I got a yoga mat for christmas last year. I specified to my husband to not spend more than $10 and he gladly complied. TJ MAXX and Marshall's are great places to find them on clearance for around that price.
3. I found lots of yoga and pilates equipment at thrift stores also for less than $5. Again, TJ MAXX and Marshall's are great places for cheap equipment.
4. I bought a basket for $1 at a garage sale to store all my exercise stuff in. I have it neatly tucked away in my living room.
5. I also bought The Core set off one of those informercials for $10. It included 2 DVD's, a set of travel cards and the ball. I believe I paid $5-7 for shipping.

This gave me everything I needed for my own gym at home. I do a workout every morning but when I'm busy I do excersizes at night.


Jessica Perberg said...

Great tips Tanya, I've been thinking of getting one of those balls and why not? since there so cheap! Thanks for the update.:-)

Sarah said... is free: You get your own blog, it counts your calories, tracks your progress, etc. That's how I lost 49 lbs.